Saturday, April 17, 2021

Camping in the Bush? Utilize These 7 Tips to Make Your Experience Extraordinary!

Camping is fun and exciting, but that doesn’t mean everything will go as planned, especially your first time out. However, there are many things you can do to ensure you have an extraordinary experience when you are camping in the bush. Some of those things must be completed in advance, while others will occur as you are in the throes of your newest adventure.

Utilize These 7 Tips to Make Your Camping in the Bush Experience Extraordinary

1) Research Your Camping Destination

As you are planning your upcoming camping trip, you will want to research the destination you are visiting. This will ensure that there are enough activities you love in the area or lack of activities if you simply want to sit back and relax during your camping trip. This is also the time to note the closest hospitals in case of emergencies, as well as stores when you need those items you forgot to pack.

2) Check Your Equipment Before You Head Out

The worst time to realize your tent pole is bent or the camp stove is not working is when you arrive at camp and need those items! Therefore, it is best to check every piece of your equipment before you head out to camp. This will allow you to make changes as needed to your plans or purchase new items to replace those things that no longer work.

3) Always Arrive at Your Campsite Well Before Dark

It is always best to arrive at your campsite well before dark and get everything set up. While you may wonder why in the beginning, you will instantly see the logic in this tip after attempting to set up even one small section of camp in the pitch dark. Even the best lighting in the world won’t help you with setting up camp once the sun has gone down, so simply arrive early and start your camping trip out on the right foot.

4) Always Be Prepared with Enough Food and Water

You should always meal plan for your camping trips, because it allows you to take enough food and water with you without going overboard and having way too much. You may be tempted to throw an entire family pack of oatmeal in your camping bin, but if there are only two or three of you eating oatmeal for one meal, you won’t need that much. The goal is to have everything you need to eat without taking too many extras.

This will be wonderful for you, especially if you are backpacking during your camping trip, because you won’t need to carry too much. However, it can also be helpful if you are getting to your campsite via vehicle, because it saves so much space.

5) Keep an Eye on the Weather 

Everyone would love to say that they will not have any extreme weather during their camping trip. But all experienced campers will tell you extreme weather arrives during everyone’s camping adventure at some point. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check for changes in the weather, because you never know when a storm will pop up out of nowhere. Plus, it is common for warm days to turn into chilly nights and you will want to be prepared with the right clothing.

6) Always Carry a First Aid Kit

Camping in the bush means being out in the elements with bugs, critters, and even the blazing sun. A well-stocked first aid kit can be helpful in covering cuts and scrapes, while also providing medicine for those potential allergic reactions. In addition to medications and band-aids, your first aid kit should be stocked with antiseptic cream, scissors, gauze, tape, and even safety pins. You can never have too many supplies in your first aid kit, so stock up before you venture out and restock when you get home.

7) Look Out for Wildlife

As I mentioned above, there are critters everywhere out in the wild and they love wandering into campsites looking for food. This is why so many campgrounds will not allow campers to keep food outside. While there is a lesser chance of you coming across a bear or deer standing in your campsite, it can happen. However, you do have a larger chance of having a run-in with a snake, skunk, and racoon, so keep your eyes peeled for those creatures.

You should also take bug spray with you, because the insects and ticks can be plentiful at any campground you visit.

These seven tips will make your camping in the bush experience extraordinary! While you may not think you need all these tips, especially if you are a seasoned camper, there is no harm reviewing them and implementing them in your camping trips. If nothing else, these tips will enhance your experiences and make your campouts better than ever!

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